Uploaded image for project: 'SimplyE 2.0'
  1. SimplyE 2.0
  2. SIMPLY-1008

Disallow Search for Non-Searchable Catalogs


      When switching between a catalog that's not searchable (in this case, the Open Textbook feed: http://open.minitex.org/textbooks/) to a catalog that IS searchable (in this case, the SimplyE collection), and then back to the non-searchable catalog (Open Textbook), the catalog search function does not behave correctly all the time. The search icon (magnifying glass) at first does not appear in the Open Textbook feed. Then, the search icon appears for the SimplyE collection and is functional, ie user can add search parameters. Switch back to the Open Textbook catalog and now the search icon is still there, but if you click on it, nothing happens. My assumption is that the correct behavior should be, when switching back to the Open Textbook catalog, if it is indeed a non-searchable feed, then the search icon should not be displayed at all, rather than being displayed and not functioning.

      Reporter: Vui Nguyen
      E-mail: vui@umn.edu

        1. Step1.png
          359 kB
        2. Step2.png
          959 kB
        3. Step3.png
          85 kB

            VuiNguyen Vui Nguyen
            VuiNguyen Vui Nguyen
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