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  1. SimplyE 2.0
  2. SIMPLY-1334

Skip-back 15 sec at 0:00 of Track 1 causes error display


    • S22 SIMPLY Oct18-Oct31

      Steps to duplicate:

      1. go to Track 1, and play to anywhere higher 0:00.
      2. hit skip-back to get to 0:00,
      3. hit skip-back a 2nd time.
      4. Track stays at 0:00, which is intended behavior, but error message is displayed above the play-button: "An error occurred during playback. Error code: 31011."
      5. If play is hit in this state, even though start-point shows between 00:00-00:03, for example, the play will skip forward to 15 seconds before the end of the first track and start there.

      This was observed on three different books.

            markraynsford Mark Raynsford
            JosephDalton Joseph Dalton
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            3 Start watching this issue
