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  1. SimplyE 2.0
  2. SIMPLY-3705

Migrate library registry datetime code to use exclusively UTC timezone-aware objects


    • SIMPLY S8 April 13 - 27, SIMPLY S9 April 27 - May 11, SIMPLY S10 May 11 - May 25, SIMPLY S11 May 25 - June 8, SIMPLY Sprint 12 June 8 - 22, SIMPLY S13 June 22 - July 6

      After completing the base Python 3 migration (in progress at https://github.com/NYPL-Simplified/library_registry/pull/176) we need to also make the datetime objects timezone-aware and make sure they are all UTC times.

      There's some code in the current system that uses local time and probably shouldn't; we need to change this with care as it could affect the relationship between the circulation manager and the library registry.

            michaelbenowitz Michael Benowitz
            andrewshelton Andrew Shelton
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            3 Start watching this issue
