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  1. SimplyE 2.0
  2. SIMPLY-735

Publication date should use dc:issued as per OPDS spec


    • S17 SIMPLY Aug9-Aug23, S18 SIMPLY Aug23-Sept6, S19 SIMPLY Sept6-Sept19, S20 SIMPLY Sept20-Oct3, S21 SIMPLY Oct4-Oct17

      Based on Leonard's comments, implementation and testing should include:

      • Making sure the Published: line is completely absent if dc:issued is absent.
      • Look into displaying just the year if the format is not coming in as expected: YYYY-MM-DD


      Publication date should display book publication date. It is currently showing date book was added to SimplyE.

      Issue is synchronized with a GitHub issue
      Repository Name: Simplified-iOS
      Issue Number: 889


      Note: update the Jira FixVersion tag once it is merged, QAed, ready to be released

            winniequinn Winnie Quinn [X] (Inactive)
            github Github Sync
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