
      Once we parse a VIAF file into an intermediate format, we need some way of boiling down all the names and opinions into a ContributorData object that can be written to the database.

      Here's what we want to get:

      • We don't need a sort name because we got one from OCLC, but let's pick one just in case.
      • We would really like a display name, but VIAF doesn't generally distinguish between sort and display names – it's just telling you the strings that certain libraries assigned to people. This is the tough part, but display name is the real prize.
      • If we can find it, it would be good to get a person's wiki name, birth and death date.

      Here are the rules/caveats I can think of:

      • If more libraries use a name it's more likely to be a good name.
      • Libraries from English-speaking countries are more likely to have a name we can use.
      • If a name contains a comma, it's more likely to be a sort name than a display name (but some display names do contain commas)
      • Superficially appealing display names sometimes have extra disambigiation stuff at the end, e.g. "Laura Wright romancière" or "Black & Decker (Firm)".
      • UNIMARC records have split up the name into parts that can be assembled into a display name, which is incredibly useful., However my records indicate that UNIMARC records are flaky somehow – I don't know how.

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            leonardrichardson Leonard Richardson [X] (Inactive)
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