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  1. SimplyE 2.0
  2. SIMPLY-3664

Automatically import places table when standing up a new registry


      We have a workflow for importing places in the US and Canada into a library registry as geographic polygons.

      Using Docker to stand up a registry with an empty "places" table should import those places into the "places" table. This will eliminate the need to remember these special import steps (steps that I've forgotten at the moment).

      Since the number of places is quite large it may be worth making this an optional step (e.g. specify which countries you want places for). But we don't currently intend to run more than two library registries, so I wouldn't over think it.

      In fact, depending on how much work this is, it may not be worth the effort at all.

            NickBallenger Nick Ballenger (Inactive)
            leonardrichardson Leonard Richardson [X] (Inactive)
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